Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Marriage, a clarification...

In reflection of my last rant, I realized that I had missed a very important point...

I think that marriage is beautiful and more, so much more, than a simple contract with the state. I believe that marriage should be a spiritual connection between two people that love each other and want to commit to all of the highs and lows that come with being connected to another being... mind, body and soul.

As far as "traditional values" go, I support the covenant that two people make together, with or without their god or mine. I also support so called "non-traditional" means and methods for commitment and family organization. I support "domestic partnership" (LGBT and straight) if people don't want to married, single parenting, same-sex marriage, adoption regardless of the "structure," surrogate births and probably a slew of other "arrangements." (To all of my critics, no I do not support polygamist cults that abuse children). I support all of these as long as they are done in love. Love of self. Love of the other person in the relationship. Love of the children. Love of their god, if part of the equation.

My wife and I discussed the value or disengenuity of a "traditional" marriage, at one point feeling that the state contract actually made our spiritual covenant more of a legislated, fiduciary contract. We decided to "traditionally" marry out of tradition more than anything else. It was amazing and gorgeous and still is to this day, now with four of us... with kids, not me and three wives... hmmmm... oh, nevermind.

...yes, I used the word 'disengenuity'... and no, I don't know if it's real or not...

1 comment:

Monte said...

good words.

i wonder if we should move more towards some sort of state-recognized union thing (marriage, whatever) AND something that is uniquely spiritual alongside it, that you have to request.

it's like that in most of europe. marriage is a state deal, a "church"/religious celebration is something else.